Sunday, October 26, 2008

RED SCARF GIRL Study Questions, G Block


Study Guide for Prologue to Chapter 7

Answer Questions in complete sentences and in depth on another sheet of paper and include PAGE NUMBERS.
G Block Answers
1. Who are the members of Ji-Li’s family? Describe her family home. What class status does her family belong to? What is the occupation of her father? Mother?

Answer: Members of Ji-Li's family: Ji-yun (the younger sister), Ji-yong (the younger brother), the mother, the father, the grandmother, Song Po-po (nanny then housekeeper), and Little White (the cat).
Family home: It was big and had its own private bathroom. It's warm , comfortable, and has lots of light (pg. 7). It has burgundy curtains (pg. 7). They have a French window, high ceilings, and a top floor. The house was 10 times as big as many of my classmates house (pg. 15).
Class status: They called themselves middle class (pg.?).
The occupation of her father is an actor (pg. 13). Her mother was an actress but now she works in a sports equipment store (pg. 13). Her grandmother was a teacher and vice-principal (pg. 14).

2. What is Ji-Li’s life at school like? What special honor is Ji-Li picked for at school? Describe Ji-Li’s parents’ reaction. What does Ji-Li do instead of entering the audition?

Answer: Ji-Li's very respected because she has good grades, she's bright, she's the student chairman of the whole school, she's been studying martial arts since 2nd grade, and she's a young pioneer (pg. 5,9).
Honor: She was offered an audition for the Liberation Army Arts Academy (pg. 6).
Parents' Reaction: Her father stopped her but didn't tell her what the consequences were which are their political background investigation (pg. 8,9,10).
Instead of doing audition: She gave the note from her parents to the principal and then she hides behind trees. An-Yi wonders what's up with her. She doesn't even tell her best friend what's going on (pg. 10-11).

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